South Suburban Archaeological Society

Founded by a few enthusiasts in 1980, SSAS has become one of the largest and most active group of its kind in Illinois. Monthly public meetings are held at the handicapped-accessible Marie Irwin Community Center, 18120 Highland Avenue, Homewood, Illinois. Meetings begin at 7:30 pm on the third Thursday of each month, with the exception of the summer months and December. Interested persons are welcome to attend. You don’t need a formal education in archaeology – just an interest.


Persons prominent in archaeology and related fields present a 45 to 60 minute illustrated lecture. Topics range from the archaeology of Cook County to the archaeology of the Americas, Egypt, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific. SSAS members share their own experiences during one meeting each year.

Activities and Trips

Society-sponsored outings have included guided visits to special exhibits at local museums and galleries, field trips to nearby historic and natural areas, and three-day weekend trips in Illinois and the surrounding states. Longer journeys were made to American Southwest, along with extended treks to Europe, Central and South America.

Members have worked on archaeological excavations in Illinois, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Scotland, and are occasionally asked to assist professional archaeologists with surveys and other field work.

An annual banquet is held in September, the highlight of which is the presentation of the Society’s highest honor – the Silver Trowel.


The monthly publication ArkyFacts is mailed to all members. Everyone is encouraged to contribute news for publication.


The SSAS web site can be found at It includes news and activities of the Society, a schedule of monthly programs, and links to other archaeological websites.


The Society is primarily a dues funded organization. Expenses include speakers, meeting room rental, publicity, printing, postage, and other incidentals. Programs are made possible in part by a grant from the MacArthur Fund for Arts and Culture at the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation .


In 1989, the Society became a chapter of the Illinois Association for the Advancement of Archaeology (IAAA), a statewide organization, whose aim is to further the knowledge, preservation and study of archaeological sites within Illinois. SSAS members can take advantage of this connection and receive the IAAA quarterly journal Illinois Antiquity. This publication describes archaeological work being conducted within the state, reports chapter activities, and notifies members of IAAA meetings and workshops. An avocational archaeological recognition program is also available through IAAA.

The IAAA has an in-depth web site at which contains links to Illinois‚ archaeological events and publications. An additional link to SSAS includes news and activities of the Society, as well as a schedule of our monthly programs can be found at

An Invitation

SSAS has many activities throughout the year designed to stimulate interest in archaeology and encourage involvement in all aspects of the Society. Individual contributions of time, knowledge and energy account for the success and spirit of our group. We welcome you and invite your active participation.

Click here for South Suburban Archaeological Society membership information. For other chapter information contact the chapter by e-mail.

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