East Central Illinois Archaeological Society

The East Central Illinois Archaeological Society (ECIAS), a chapter of the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology (IAAA) is an association of both professional and non-professional archaeologists who bring a variety of education, expertise and practical experience to the organization. The group sponsors free monthly programs on Illinois archaeology, conducts workshops, and coordinates volunteer work to support professional archaeologists in various ways. These volunteer efforts include ongoing laboratory work and seasonal maintenance of an archaeological site.

Meets at Urbana Free Library the third Thursday of the month (Sept thru May). Contact Fred Christensen, 401 Dropseed Drive, Savoy, IL 61874 or Doug Jackson, 602 S. Adams St., Philo, IL 61864.

Click to download: 2023 East Central Illinois Archaeological Society Report (2024)

3 thoughts on “East Central Illinois Archaeological Society”

  1. Hello. This is Deb Lawson from Princeton IL. I joined at the IL State Fair last summer. While there, I spoke to several people. One was a woman who was an expert in cemeteries. I know I had her name and address but can’t seem to locate that information. I do remember that she had Boothill in her email address.
    My daughter’s friend has some land with an old cemetery. She was seeking advice in how to preserve it. I would be very grateful If you could connect me to someone who could help . Thanks so much.

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