The IAAA was founded in 1969 to unite all persons interested in the archaeology of Illinois – amateurs, professionals, students, and educators. The purposes of the association are preserving prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, information, and artifacts; encouraging and participating in scientific investigations and research; and fostering constructive public and governmental attitudes toward the archaeology of the State of Illinois and contiguous regions. The association and its members are opposed to the destruction, unauthorized excavation, or looting of archaeological sites and actively discourage commercialism in archaeological artifacts.
The IAAA holds its annual meeting each April and participates in an annual Workshop on Illinois Archaeology each November with the Illinois Archaeological Survey (an organization of research and professional archaeologists). Meeting dates and locations are published in Illinois Antiquity.
Local chapter meetings, annual statewide meetings and workshops, and publications of the IAAA all provide forums for the exchange of ideas and information, identification of artifacts, descriptions of archaeological techniques and goals, discussions of current research, and sources for further reading and study. Many meetings feature presentations by scholars knowledgeable in archaeology, ethnology, and history. People with all levels of interest, knowledge, and commitment can benefit from membership.
Members of IAAA receive Illinois Antiquity quarterly and an occasional journal, Rediscovery. Membership in IAAA can be at-large or through one of our local chapters. Members-at-large should pay their dues directly to the IAAA Secretary. Chapter members should pay both state and local dues to their chapter treasurer.